SLUG Meetup - Arch Linux

Introduction to Arch Linux. What is it? What are its pros/cons?

Speaker: Calvin Kim

1. Intro


: A Linux Distribution

Package Manager

: manages the packages

​ == app store

2. Arch Linux's Philosophy

  • guides you little

  • gives you (very well) build system only


  • CRUX

  • No GUI installation

  • Minimalist

  • does not hide anything cause abstraction and hiding is never a good thing

    -> No handling


  • Everything is customizable (beside the kernel..haha)

  • There is no default setting for Arch

  • ABS -Arch Build System

  • Collection of different things for arch

3. Four things base for Arch


: Bash script -> literally a script

  1. Link to source code

  2. How to build the code

-> used as a guide for other package managers

2) makepkg

: build system -> reads PKGBUILD

​ ----> those two are the fundamentals

3) pacman == apt

: package manager

  • manages all the programs on your Arch

4) AUR (Arch User Repository)

​ : a repository maintained by Arch User group

  • no official support tho

  • has every open source software

+ Arch Wiki

  • the most complete wiki!!!!

  • the most up-to-date

  • specific laptop quirks

  • driver configuration

  • linux hacking

4. Why do we have to use Arch Linux?

  1. Bleeding edge

    : you'll have the latest one because it stays as close to the upstream

  2. AUR

    : most complete package manager out there

  3. Community Support

    : support by community equals that of Ubuntu

5. Tips/Tricks

  1. Use manjaro

    : Arch based distro with GUI installation

  2. sudo pacman -Syu a lot

    : updates are REALLY fast so....

  3. Bug the community!

+ looked up after the meetup

  1. mosh

  • Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.

  • Mosh is a replacement for interactive SSH terminals. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.

  • Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris, Android, Chrome, and iOS.

  1. tmux

Last updated

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